Digital Liner Notes / “Thoughts”


[Flame] 🔥 JPEGMAFIA - Digital Liner Notes / “Thoughts” Lyrics

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Spoil me with focus
Gender Neutral Milk Hotel
Reverse Bernie Sanders
Scums wish take out some of the tags, shorten begging bring break in faster, eq 808, take out sample after 2nd bar Of break, make the under bass stand out more
Hats I want my logo on the front and my name in Netflix font on the back. And on the confederate flag one on the front Woth the same Netflix font on the back
I want the license ones
the tweet ones
The fact free one
The contact one *
The naked one
And the main shirt
Diss morrisey for that fucking shirt
Nigga lean left Slap that bitch alt right
Club 1101
Goblin – suspiria (album)
Goblin – witch
Sparkle horse – dog door
Peggy Hendrix
Sing over the needs mixing track like Aztec hum in voice mail then put in track orrrrr do it in stu!
On the cusp of drama and criticsm
Arch it babe into baby I’m bleeding
Left that bitch on read
Tracks that are half way or all the way written: gold codes*, dd form 214, yours*
Customized usbs
Get glasses
New eq to get:
Fix Microkorg or get new synth
Alesia micrverb Reverb and that one guitar pedal
Upgrade ram for CPU and mac
Get a mac desktop and switch all your shit to it
Get more styrofoam
Learn pro tools bettee
Get new audio technicas
And new headphones better headphones
Get bigger speakers same kind just bigger
Look more into a live sound
Get a keyboard stand : UPDATE: Got keyboard stand
Buy the stuff for ********
But wireless headphones
Nowadays niggas think Instagram likes are a proposal
How many people have died because of white mens insecurity?
U can never ever make a type beat for me I’m to varied.
Samurai Jack season 5 epeisode 3 when the dude and his wife are in the carriage in the beginning flashback
I don’t pray anymore
Features so far:
Yung Midpack
Drug Dillon
Bobbi rush
There is no substance underneath broken Spotify records
Spit produce mix master
It’s all in the thumbs
If I ain’t better tHan t**
I’m closest one
I beat niggas for rep
You can’t hold me son
My beats get me respect
I just rap for fun
Marky mark niggas
Wan spit with da god
> One punch man season 1 episode 7 when they start chanting give it up
And at the end when genos gets master < Pretty like drugs - queen Adrienna? Fj McMahon - sister brother Drug dealer - suddenly weyes blood Judy and Mary - rainbowdevils land Sagat - why is it funk dat Racial ray Sample gran tourismo Eat pussy better than a lesbian White people like anything that validates there inseurity Lil Cell Mate Happy at all cost As my girlfriend morphs into a basic bitch right before my eyes Somewhere between arca and frank ocean Somewhere between datpiff and pc music I hired agent 47 just to be my shooter Selfies have replaced autographs Lil nigga butt Depends on how we living not a pot. To piss in new clothes turn forest gump into forest griffin Hit my girl with a compliment today Lens crafters Social currency Sent from my iPhone[/groups_member]

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